看護 英文 請各位大大幫忙翻譯一下這篇英文 One goal of Healthy People 2010 is to re-duce the number of people with disabilities in congre- gate care facilities, consistent with permanency-planning principles, to 0 by 2010 for persons aged 21 years and under (objective 6 –7). Congregate care, in this regard, is defined as any setting in which 4 or more persons with disabilities reside, regardless of whether the residence is located in the community, such as a school, group home, nursing facility, or institution. Although this particular public health objective may reflect an unfamiliar concept for some pediatricians, the American Academy of Pedi- atrics supports the goals and objectives of Healthy People
健康人2010計劃(Healthy People 2010)的目標之一,就是要依照永久性計劃的原則,在2010年前把接受集合看護設施照顧的21歲及21歲以下殘障人士之人數減為零(目標6-7)。此處提到的集合看護設施泛指任何包含四個或更多殘障人士居住的所在,無論此種住所是位在任何性質的聚集場所內,如學校、居家、看護所、或機構等。雖然這個特定的大眾醫療目標對於一些小兒科醫師來說,代表的可能是一個不熟悉的觀念,但美國小兒科學會全力支持健康人計劃的目的與目標。-------------------------------------------僅供參考。 參考資料 自己
原文:One goal of Healthy People 2010 is to re-duce the number of people with disabilities in congre- gate care facilities, consistent with permanency-planning principles, to 0 by 2010 for persons aged 21 years and under (objective 6 –7). Congregate care, in this regard, is defined as any setting in which 4 or more persons with disabilities reside, regardless of whether the residence is located in the community, such as a school, group home, nursing facility, or institution. Although this particular public health objective may reflect an unfamiliar concept for some pediatricians, the American Academy of Pedi- atrics supports the goals and objectives of Healthy People翻譯:健康人民2010 年的一個目標是使人數降低以傷殘在congre- 門關心設施, 一致與permanency 計劃原則, 到0 在2010 年以前為人年歲21 年和下(宗旨6 -7) 。聚集關心, 就此, 被定義作為4 個或更多人以傷殘居住的任一個設置, 不管是否住所位於社區, 譬如學校、小組家庭, 護理設施, 或機關。雖然這個特殊公共衛生宗旨也許反射一個不熟悉的概念為一些兒科學家, Pedi- atrics 的美國學院支持健康人民目標和宗旨----------------------------------------希望對你有幫助!

consistent with this,be consistent with,isolates consistent with organisms encountered in the upper respiratory tract,is consistent with,what he says is not consistent with what he does,are consistent with,what he says is not consistent withconsistent with,美國小兒科學會,殘障人士,regardless of,goal,各位大大,unfamiliar concept,小兒科醫師,the residence,英文


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