夜間看護 英文翻譯成中文 Remember that sleep is best promoted by darkness, quiet, and warmth, attributes not always apparent in the hustle and bustle of the NICU. Yet the NICU environment is changing as caregivers are becoming more aware of the potential negative influences in the environment has on normal development. Interventions have been studied and/or implemented in the NICU to increase the duration and quality of sleep; not all have been successful. The intervention may have been implemented with best of intentions, but change is hard and all aspects of caregiving that the new intervention would impact may not get addressed in the implementation process, thus leading to failure. Change cannot occur in a vacuum, even when the change is a good change and a good reason. Every aspect of caregiving that a new intervention impacts must be addressed in planning and implementation for it to ultimately be successful.Changing the NICU into an environment that promotes sleep for infants can be very difficult, especially because caregivers also need to work and stay awake in that same environment. For example, the use of bright light is a tested strategy to keep night workers awake and decrease potential errors. Workers also interact with others to stay awake and may even choose to keep the environment a little cooler because warmth makes them sleepy. So how do we promote sleep for some while promoting wakefulness for others?是有關護理的 有專業單字
This is an interesting topic! 我們要記得黑暗, 安靜, 和暖和最有助於睡眠, 而這些屬性在忙碌吵鬧的新生兒科病房並不總是那麼明顯. 然而當看護人員瞭解到更多環境對正常發展的潛在負面影響時, 新生兒科病房的環境開始改變. 為了增加睡眠的持續性和品質, 新生兒科病房已經研究並/或進行干涉; 但並沒有全部成功. 進行干涉可能是出於好意, 但改變是困難的, 而且在實施的過程中這些新干涉對看護各方面的影響可能沒有被處理到, 因而導致失敗. 改變無法獨自存在, 即使當這種改變是一種好的改變而且也有進行改變的好原因. 在規畫和進行新干涉時一定要考慮到它對看護各方面的影響, 這樣最後才能成功. 將新生兒科病房改變成為一個適合嬰兒睡眠的環境可能很難, 特別是因為看護人員也需要工作並且在相同的環境下保持清醒. 舉例來說, 使用明亮的燈光是一種測試過的策略以便讓夜間工作人員能保持清醒並且減少潛在錯誤. 工作人員也和其它人互動以保持清醒而且他們甚至於選擇讓環境稍微冷一點因為暖和會讓人想睡. 那麼我們要怎樣去促進某些人的睡眠, 同時保持另外一些人的清醒呢?
記得睡眠最黑暗提升,安靜,並且溫暖,把不總是明顯歸於在NICU的吵吵鬧鬧內。 然而,NICU環境兌換照料者變得更知道潛在的消極作用在環境內在正常的發展上有當時。 干涉已經被研究和/或在NICU裡實現增加睡眠的持續和質量; 並非全部成功。 干涉可能被最好的意圖實現, 但是變化堅固和各方面看護這新干涉影響將有可能不在那些實施內寄給處理,因此導致失敗。在真空方面,變化不能發生,即使當變化是一好變化和一好原因的時候。 每看護的方面一新干涉影響一定在計畫和最後是成功的的實施寄給。兌換進提升的一環境的NICU適合嬰兒睡可能難, 特別是因為照料者也需要工作並且在那種相同的環境裡保持醒著。 工人也與其它人相互作用住醒著並且可能更選擇保持環境涼爽一點因為溫暖使他們想睡。那麼我們怎樣提升,這在為其它人促進失眠時為一些睡嗎?

the hustle and bustlehustle and bustle,英文翻譯成中文,科病房,新生兒,Interventions have been,potential negative,NICU,intervention may,attributes,leading to failure




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