看護婦 請問有達人可以翻譯一小段文章嗎? 送 請問有達人可以翻譯這一段文章嗎? 中文翻英文會比較好了解日本在台灣的護理訓練雖然從一八九八年開始,可是最初十年僅止於訓練在台的日本護士,一直到一九零七年才在台北病院「看護婦養成所」開放台籍女性接受訓練。當時護士學生所有的養成教育都是在醫院裡完成,但是師資不是由專業的護理人員負責,而是由醫院的醫師來擔任。由於受訓的護士生在醫院的地位僅高於雜役人員,對任何人都要保持尊敬,於是養成了她們日後擔任正式護士時也是唯唯諾諾的習慣。再加上日治時期的護士必須替醫生「刷衣服、擦皮鞋」,這種先侍奉醫生再服侍病人的惡習,不但破壞護士制度的精神,也造成了護士的自卑感。一九四八年廢止日式的壓抑性護理,重新引進英美式的現代護理,大刀闊斧地革新了台大醫院的護理制度,同時也大幅提升護士在醫院的地位
The training of nursing at Taiwan which arranged by japanese was stared since 1898, however, the first 10 years of the training was only provided for japanese nurses who work in Taiwan. "Teaching Institution of Nursing" which open taiwanese up to be trained was established until 1907 at Taipei hospital (now National Taiwan University, College of Medicine)((抱歉, 這段的台北病院跟看護養成所我都是自己翻的, 可能要再確認一下是有正確的專有名詞喔!! 不過台北病院就是現在的台大醫院~ 所以我後面有加一個框框!! )) At the begining, the students were not trained by professional nursing workers but by doctors in the hospital. Also, the hole term of traing was only accomplished in the hospital. Since the status of nurses was only higher than handy workers ,nurses have to respect any other people in the hospital which humbled them in not only the learing period but even when they were already registered nurse. Moreover, during the Japanese-Occupied Period, nurses have to do a lot of things for the doctors such as cloth-washing and shoes-cleaning. The custom has not only break the spirit of nurse but also creat the self-abased of it. Nevertheless, this situation was released since modern training of nursing which introduced by Britain and America replaced the traditional one in 1948. It has improve the nursing system and the status of nurse.ps因為不知道怎麼翻看護婦養成所 所以上網查了一下資料 結果發現好像年份跟您提供的不太一樣耶??請見 好像他更早就成立了??? 你要不要在確定一下?? 參考資料 me

台北病院,中文翻英文,台大醫院,護士,文章,日本,National Taiwan University,翻譯,At the begining,the doctors such as




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