家庭看護 請英文高手幫我英翻中~謝謝!急!(不要翻譯軟體) The delivery of home care services is an important part of both the medical care system and the long-term care system. In Taiwan, the percentage of elderly people in the population increased from 2.5% in 1951 to 7.8% in 1996, and is expected to be 21.7% in 2036. The number of dependent elderly persons with ≧2 impaired activities of daily living is estimated to increase from 60,900 in 1995 to 141,700 in 2020, and 252,700 in 2035. Currently, patients served by home care agencies in Taiwan are usually bed-bound with limited self-care ability because of various underlying illnesses.
家庭看護的運作在醫療系統跟長期療養系統是非常重要的部分. 在台灣, 老年人在總人口數的百分比從1951年的2.5%增長到1996年的7.8%, 並且預期在2036年達到21.7%. 日常生活無法自理的老年依賴人口數預計從1995年的六萬九百人增加到2020年的十四萬一仟七百人, 並再2035年達到二十五萬兩千七百人. 目前來說, 台灣家庭看護機構所照顧的病人通常是因為不同的潛在疾病自理能力有限度而臥病在床的病人.

instrumental activities of daily living,activities of daily living scale,instrumental activities of daily living scaleactivities of daily living,The number of dependent,population increased,台灣,英文,高手,軟體,翻譯,home,Taiwan




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